Tech Mahindra and Google’s Email amplifAIer: AI-Powered Customer Service Solution

Tech Mahindra and Google's Email amplifAIer: AI-Powered Customer Service Solution

Tech Mahindra and Google have joined forces to introduce the Email amplifAIer, a smart email solution that uses advanced AI to help customer service centers do better. This solution does many things: it puts all email conversations in one place, does tasks on its own, and lets humans step in to make things even better. This information comes from a news report by IANS.

What Email AmplifAIer Does

This email amplifier does a whole lot. It can handle everything about emails, like making them automatic and giving personalized answers. It knows what people want and finds important parts in emails, even from other computer systems like CRM and finance apps.

Gen AI Boosts Efficiency and Customer Experience

The head of Tech Mahindra’s AI team, Hasit Trivedi, explained, “Our email amplifier, powered by generative AI, will help enhance organizational efficiency and customer experience with quick, accurate, and automated responses. It will further enable personalization at scale and create compelling and visually appealing content. Together with Google, we are delivering the most advanced solution for all the email needs in the contact center space.”

Brand-New Solution With Gen AI Abilities

The company also said that this brand-new solution with generative AI abilities works with the human-in-loop idea. This means people can look at the computer’s answers and change them if needed before sending them to customers.

What’s generative AI?

Generative AI is a kind of computer smarts that can make new things like words, AI pictures, sounds, and numbers. It’s been around since the 1960s, but it’s become more popular now because it’s easier to use. You can make great stuff quickly.

Generative AI learns from things that already exist. For instance, if it’s good at making pictures, it might learn from a large group of pictures. It studies the colors and shapes in those pictures and uses that knowledge to create new ones that look similar. This information comes from Techtarget.

(Source: Information from IANS was used in this report.)

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